"Homemaking is a craft, an art; make it your job, because it's the most important job in the world. Study it. Improve yourself. Respect your work. It does get easier."--The New Homemaker Manifesto
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Precious oldies
These are from 2004. Mostly June. Casey age 1 Mickey age 4 Greta age 7.
They're all so plump and babyish! I thought they were so big! Sigh.
I have been a young Mama and an older Mama. I have been a homebirthing Mama and a 3 time c-sectioned Mama. I am very cutting edge and very old fashioned. I am married to my high school sweetheart and we have five children whom we homeschool with a very eclectic approach. I am a reformed closed-minded/ know-it-all AP/granola snoot who doesn't play those Mommy Wars anymore. I am first and foremost a feminist kindred spirit and friend to mothers, with a penchant for all things colorful and human and real. I am an interesting character and so are you. You will not like everything I have to say but I hope you visit often and can find something useful or good or true out of my writings.
i love those pictures...so shocking to see how quickly they change..even though we know it, it is always different to see it right in front of you!
Aren't they little?!?!?! Insanity. And now it is coming up on another "4 and 7" birthday...except there will also be a "10"! CRAZY!
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