I want to move to a teeny, tiny house. Am I crazy? Do I love punishment or suffering? Have I forgotten our old place and how cramped it was?
No, no, and no. You might want to start here, at the
small house societyYou see, I have been a non-practising admirer of the simple living lifestyle for about 3 or 4 years now. A lurker, if you will, in magazines like Ready Made and Simple Living, a flybaby on
http://www.flylady.net/ and contributing somewhat to a few discussion boards on Mothering.com about getting rid of all of our junk and becoming free. I am a huge fan of Walden. I choose a tent over a fancy RV, outdoors over indoors, etc.
I want to simplify. We are getting rid of our things. Each weekend we are giving away clothes to the goodwill and salvation army. We are purging our house as the first step to freedom from our possessions. We are discussing special trips for Christmas instead of more toys. We have pared our schoolroom down and down and down to what we really actually use and need and love. We have been trying to have hearty, simple meals such as just baked potatoes with toppings, soup and crusty bread, granola and milk...We have gotten rid of tons of dishes, and the children each have one special spill proof cup. We each have 2 sets of sheets and one comforter for our beds. (the babies have more sheets)
But its not enough. I want to move to a tiny tiny house someday. Look at
this website. Type
tiny houses or
small house or
simplify or
declutter into Google and see what you get. I fantasize about being forced to have less stuff.
At our old house, it was a bit of a hellish nightmare. We had a "normal" (American) amount of c-r-a-p, but no garage, no attic, no basement and miniature closets. And so things like sleds in the kitchen and clothes in Rubbermaid containers in the living room made for a home that looked completely filthy and gross and chaotic almost all the time. We werent knowledgeable about simple living and so the smaller house was just a nightmare. We were slaves to the shuffling, cleaning, distributing, resdistributing, arguing about, and "organizing" a giant landfill amount of CLUTTER.
So we moved to this big house, near to Daddy's work, and we love it in many ways (1800 square feet 1950's brick rental, long L-Shaped ranch, one story, garage, no basement, lots of closet space) and it can look really neat and tidy whenever we need it to--company coming, etc. even with four homeschooled kids home all day long. But its a total sham. We still have WAY too much crap. You cant even open our garage door without mystery flim flam spraying down on top of you.
So, here are all the ideas I would want for a tiny tiny house with a family of six. Everything I want to own on this Earth. This is my actual list of what I would want to keep in our lives. (Then I am going to get to work on it!!!) I think being in denial that this is right for us has kept us back all these years.
Bunk beds. Custom made, if necessary, for more than 2 children. (Triple bunk!!) In the tiniest of rooms you can still fit many bunk beds. They are cozy and private and fantastic.
One bike for each person, hung from ceiling or stored somewhere clever.
Basic toiletries: Shampoo, Conditioner, mild soap, mild lotion
Big pot
Little pot
Frying pan
2 Mixing bowls
6 Plates
6 Bowls
6 Cups
One container for each person of "special possessions"--jewelry or trinkets.
Drawing Paper
One curriculum box for each child
One computer (laptop would be so cool, and save space but we don't have that)
2 Hampers
One giant garbage can, one little one for the bathroom
Our favorite books, the ones we really want to read and refer to, (not just the ones that seem cool to own or display)
Our favorite DVD's
Portable DVD player
One boombox type radio/CDplayer/Cassette player-recorder
One sled for each child
One pair of boots per person
One pair of snow pants per person
One winter coat per person
Seven t shirts apiece
Seven long sleeve shirts apiece
Seven pants or shorts apiece (I don't even have this now)
Seven socks apiece
One pair of tennis shoes
One pair of dress up shoes apiece
One bathing suit apiece
One pajama set
Seven pairs of undies
Seven sweaters or sweatshirts
Full set of cloth diapers (the one size fits all kind would be ideal)
2 hats (baseball and snow)
2 mittens
One scarf
One large Rubbermaid box of old photographs
One couch (possibly a hideabed for mom and dad if it was a one bedroom cabin)
Minimal toys: music toys, wood blocks, multitasking toys such as Lego or a wagon
family tool box with hammer nails screws screwdriver drill level pliers wrench and ratchet. Also in here could be magnifying glass, funnel, scissors, flashlights, batteries, tape, stapler,glue, hole punch, needle and thread and buttons, and measuring tape and magnets.
Sewing machine
My makeup and hair elastics
Extreme minimal first aid kit: herbal and regular medicines, bandages, peroxide
Coffee maker (or french press using boiled water from teapot)
Recycling bins (even if I had to take the stuff into a different town)
Bunnies + supplies
Rugged jogging type of stroller for lots of walking and not using cars.
Lamps and candles
Bleach-vinegar-borax-baking soda-natural washing soap
Beloved board games
Wristwatches and clocks
As far as toys: my older kids love their gameboys and pets, and my littler kids love their traintracks and matchbox cars. We all play with blocks and EVERYTHING else we could go enjoy "in town."
I have left out a few things that I love and use daily but could live without and am actually a bit curious to see how I would do:
TV (Love it/hate it/would rather go outside with my kids)
Washer and Dryer (love it but some tiny houses aren't equipped and would be willing to laundromat as a weekly event)
Microwave(convenient/dangerous and scary)
Well, that's it. That is all I would bring. this list might have been incredibly boring to read, and I apologize--but it was really fun to write and it took me a long time. Tell what you think!
Currently reading: Simplify your life with Kids and Simplify your Christmas, both by Elaine St. James. So far so good, although she she doesn't have kids and doesn't refer to or even seem to know about homeschooling, these are both nice reads so far.
Mom gets to keep more shoes as a gift for being so fabulous :)***Mom reserves rights to extraneous undies :)Please
check this page for tons of info and great links and pics!
Click this to see
an amazing home that you wont believe the pictures of the square footage :)
I will need to whittle down my list but if I really got to the point where everything we had in this house was that list, then maybe we could look into making some kind of huge amazing life changing move in the future--a few years down the road.